Engage Media Group

Engage Media Group formed in November, 2022

Decentralised “Hive Mind” approach to work and collaboration – designed to attract the best talent available regardless of location.

First brand launch, TechFinitive.com in February, 2023

Experienced B2B executives, publishers, sales professionals and technical specialists, with previous experience within the industry’s largest, most respected business and IT brands.

Years of combined experience across brands such as CBS Interactive, Future PLC, Dennis Publishing, Business Insider, IDG and others.

Meet the Team

Feel free to connect with us on LinkedIn

Julian Lloyd Evans

Founder & Chairman

Former Dennis Publishing & Future PLC Executive.

Claire Fairbrother

Sales Director

Former CBS Interactive, Foundry (IDG) and Dennis Publishing

Chris Cannon

Founder & Managing Director

Former CBS Interactive, Business Insider, Dennis Publishing and Future PLC

Ricardo Oliveira

Senior Director, Digital Operations

Former CBS Interactive, RedVentures and TechnologyAdvice

People and Culture


At Engage Media Group, every employee has a voice and a seat at the table, regardless of their position or title. We believe that by flattening our organisational structure, we can create a more inclusive and collaborative workplace where everyone’s ideas and perspectives are valued.


We believe that by allowing our employees to work from anywhere, at any time, we can empower them to be more productive, creative, and engaged.  We also understand that working remotely can be challenging, which is why we prioritise communication and collaboration.


Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. We believe that when employees work together towards a common goal, they can achieve more than they could individually. We measure success not just by individual accomplishments but also by team achievements.

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